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P3 is a non-profit organization that supports the development of properly designed and well-functioning markets in the PJM region. PJM is a regional transmission organization that manages the supply and movement of power in 13 states and the District of Columbia.Combined, P3 members own over 83,000 megawatts of generation assets and produce enough power to supply over 63 million homes in the PJM region covering 13 states and the District of Columbia. Collectively, P3 members have invested tens of billions of dollars into facilities in the PJM market place without any regulatory guarantee of a return of or on that investment. Combined, P3 members own and operate virtually all forms of electricity generation, provide demand response services in certain markets and serve end use consumers through retail affiliates.

P3 members believe that properly designed and well-functioning competitive wholesale electricity markets are the most effective means of:

  • ensuring a reliable supply of power to the PJM region,
  • facilitating the investment of at-risk capital in both new and existing technologies in order to deliver competitively priced power to consumers; and
  • complimenting state and federal environmental objectives.

The P3 Group shall promote policies at the federal and state level that will allow the PJM region to fulfill the promise of these competitive markets. P3 supports:

  • Transparent price signals to and from consumers so that they may be the ultimate drivers of the competitive market,
  • Effective and independent market monitoring coupled with well-defined rules to identify and prevent market power abuse or gaming and to promote confidence among state regulators and market participants,
  • Policies that support effective pricing mechanisms which would allow generation, transmission and demand response to compete on equal footing,
  • Capacity markets as a tool to encourage long term capital investments in existing as well as new generation resources,
  • Stable, technology-neutral, state and regional retail policies, such as default procurement auctions, that leverage the benefits of wholesale competition,
  • The development and promotion of renewable and alternative energy generation within the framework of a competitive market, and,
  • Non-discriminatory, technology-neutral, economy-wide strategies to achieving state carbon reduction objectives.

P3 members include: